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Exploring the Hidden Power of Secret Societies
Uncovering the Influence and Beliefs of Secret Societies: Freemasons, Illuminati, Rosicrucians, and the Knights Templar and More!
We love to talk about secret societies. Whether it’s the Freemasons or The Illuminati, there’s something alluring about these exclusive organisations that seem to wield so much power in the world. But just how much influence do they actually have? Are they purely for show? And who are the people behind them? I will tell you everything I know about these societies — and a few theories as well — in this article.
Freemasonry is a secret society that began in England in the 17th century. It’s open to men of all religions, but they must believe in God and the afterlife. Freemasons strongly emphasise charity and secrecy, which is why their ceremonies are kept secret from nonmembers.
Freemasons pay close attention to the Bible, both Old Testament stories about building the Temple of Solomon and New Testament stories about Jesus Christ being the son of God who died for our sins so we could be forgiven for our past bad deeds. The name “Freemason” comes from “freestone”, which was a type of limestone used to build churches…